Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Wow, I haven't posted in a long time. But I have to leave soon for lunch with a friend (A very cute friend who I haven't seen in years). I'll leave you with this gem:

Fernando Torres= hottest man alive.
IN case you didn't watch the Euro 2008 cup, Fernando Torres was a really good player from Spain. I definitely rooted for them from the beginning (not just because of Torres, he's just a perk). And Spain won! 

My roadtrip a couple of days ago was amazing. We sat in the car as we drove through the boonies for 3 hours. I worked on my summer reading because 2 of the people in the car were asleep.

Once we got there, it was amazing because my friend lives in the middle of nowhere so he has a huge huge house and lots of land. They even had horses that we could ride! It was so much fun.

During the thing we watched a movie and I definitly cuddled with the host, I mean it's only polite to. Haha. We were sitting on the same couch and he puts his arm around me, and then starts kissing my n
eck and stuff. Then we "went to go get pizza". Pretty much we ended up calling for delivery and making out in his BMW in the driveway until the delivery came. 

But the host is not the kind of guy who I would ever date. He's super rich and kind of snotty, and while he treats me really well, he's rude to waiters and my mum taught me that that is a warning sign.

But don't fret, on the way back I definitely made out with one of the guys who I actually like. He may not be as rich or whatever, but he's definitely sweet and nice to everyone. Plus his red pick up truck is surprisingly roomy. Haha.