Saturday, August 23, 2008

Football game!

So of course yesterday was Friday, and Friday night at my school= football night. 

Football night isn't about the football. It's about the expierience:

3:15 Get out of school. Go to friends house. I'm gonna change the names in case someone actually knows me or whatever. So my friend Julia is the owner of the house. Her parents are really cool so we definitely start having a couple drinks. (Sadly, not rum and coke. Just bacardi and lemon.) 
So its me, Julia, Julia's boyfriend Conner, and Conner's friend Aaron. Julia and Conner have been dating forEVER so I get to hear ever single gushing thing she has to say about him.

I knew Aaron from before. We dated in like 6th grade, but that doesn't count much. BUt as Julia and Conner start cuddling and being all coupley, its just us 2 left alone. 

6:00 Julia's older sister drives us to the game. She's really cool but she has acid refluc and can't drink, so she drove. Yes, we are THAT responsible. Seriously, teenagers don't drink and drive as much as they want you to think.

So the 2 guys wanted to paint their stomachs and spell out GO (appreviation of our school). Having Aaron put cold paint on my stomach (thank god for all those crunches I did), definitly turned me on. Not in a gross way, just a I want to make out with you way.

8:00 We leave early from the game. Our team is really good and we were winning by a lot, and we got bored. We walk to a nearby mc donalds, sweaty and covered and paint. By this time I was flirting a lot with Aaron. I got an ice cream cone (the best ever!). I decided to share it with Aaron. Lets just say there was a lot of lip/tongue contact made during the ice cream.

9:00 We call Julia's sister and go back to Julia's house. Julia's parents are gone to a late party thing. A lot of alchohol was consumed, to put it lightly. With Julia and Connor basically passed out, Aaron and I started making out. As things started getting horizontal, I got really sleepy. But I guess Aaron was feeling really tired too because he just kind of rolls off me onto the floor and lies there looking at me. He says "lets do this again". And then I fell asleep. 

So this morning kind of sucked. But whatever it was fun. And even after I was sober, I STILL thought Aaron is cute, so we are gonna go out tomorrow. We're gonna go see a movie.