Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How to be flirty on facebook

So this post is geared toward people who have facebooks, but these same ideas can be expanded into other things like myspace, aim, and other forms of internet connections.

1. Friend request him. (duh!)If you have talked to him before, this is just an obvious step. The only time not to do this is if you haven't met him yet.

WHile it's cool to friend request random guys who you think are cute, DON'T do this with people you might actually meet. This is INCREDIBLY awkward.

2. Don't poke. Yeah, I know, poking is supposed to be flirty. Unless someone pokes you first, don't poke someone. It's kind of annoying and pretty weird. NOT how you want to flirt.

3. Post on his wall. Not something like "hey. whats up?" Thats easily forgettable and you might not get a response back. Ask some kind of question or if you have hung out just say "last night was sooooo fun. I can't believe you skinny dipped in that fountain!" (or whatever).

PS- Go by the 2 post rule. If you post one thing, and then another and he doesn't respond, don't post any more. Unless he doesn't go on facebook a lot. Then make it 3. You don't want to look desperate though.

4. Don't invite him to stupid groups (anything involving numbers or stupid stuff) Unless its taper made for him or whatever. Actually don't invite him to anything. You don't want him to think you're super annoying.

5. Overall don't be easy to get. Give shorter answers over longer answers. On wall posts, don't post for at least 8 hours unless its a pressing issue. If it's instant messeging, count to 10 to respond. Don't use perfect grammar/spelling/punctuation. Just make it informal and light. No deep conversations.

6. Always be the first one to leave. While instant messeging, say I have to go to dinner or even better, say that you have other plans. Make HIM work for you.