Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last Night at the Robinsons

So anyways, here's my next post, a whole 10 minutes after I started this.

Last night (Well I guess 2 nights ago considering it's 1 in the morning), I definitely had my first experience with alcohol. Woah, I know I'm lame. But whatever. The Robinsons (of course thats not their real name) are loaded and their alchohol stash is pretty well stocked.

It was just my friend and I and we were bored so we decided to mine into this valuable resource. We sneak up from the basement and stealthily poured ourselves drinks.

Mistake #1- I pour about 2 tablespoons of hard rum in each of our glasses. Like idiots, we do a toast and try a sip of plain liquor. It was horrible.

Mistake #2- We mix the remaining rum with powerade. This does not taste good either. The powerade was not strong enough to overpower the vinegary taste of rum. We pour our drinks down the sink.

Mistake #3- Tried to drink cooking wine. Didn't realize it wasn't normal until after the first drink.

Mistake #4- We tried beer and seriously, it tasted like straight-ass piss.

We ended up drinking rum and coca-cola, taking our inspiration from the slutty performance of "Rum and Coca Cola" given by a bunch of slutty freshmen during 50's night.

And it wasn't bad at all. In fact we might be doing it again soon because I don't want to get totally messed up when I go to college and get gang banged at some frat because I can't hold my liquor.


The Go In Betweens said...

I have an older brother so I never really got to do my own experimenting with alcohol like that. He starting throwing parties when my parents went away around the time that I started being old enough to drink at them and so I ended up getting drunk a few times and bonding with my brother and a few times blacking out too early in the night and waking up wondering what happened.

Don't drink so much that you black out and wonder what happened and hope that you didn't actually puke in the little green garbage can that you can kind of fuzzily remember puking in. Because when you wake up you have to clean it out and that's really not fun.

Billy said...

Ah, they begin at a young age.
Haha, don't worry, I didn't have my first party-drinking experience until like a year ago, and it was punch. How lame is that? Then back in January or something I began lightening up in parties, due to the fact that I was approaching my 18 years (I turned 18 on February).

Never drink more than you can handle. Don't try to find the limit, either. Trust me, there's nothing worse than losing your parents' trust in the drink area. Oh and hangovers suck. Especially when you have French the day after. Erghhhhh...