Thursday, August 28, 2008


So anyways, I don't really have enough time to write an actual article thing. I want to go to bed, but first I need to shave my legs. 

Seriously girls, I would recommend ALWAYS shaving your legs. Just stick your foot in the sink and shave your legs. It takes like 2 minutes. But you just KNOW that if you don't shave, you're going to be flirting with a guy or doing something with a guy and they WILL notice.

But whatever. In case you read my previous article about last football game, you will be happy to know that I am going to be attending another football game. I don't know exactly what will happen yet, but I'll give you a hint.

We are playing a elite-ish preppy private school. I just happen to know a guy from that very school who will be playing that game. After we cream their team, he's going to stay behind and not go back to school on the bus like public school kids have to do.

We're going to go to Denny's (Hey! It's practically the only place open that late) and then we are going to *drumroll* watch a movie in the back of my car. And just so you know, my car is really long and I can put the chairs down to make a bed like thing. ;P

I'll keep you posted. Mwahaha...