Sunday, August 31, 2008

Unsuccessful Encounters

So as I already wrote about, I hung out with this football stud after the game. Exciting right?

Let's start from the beginning. We obviously won, but Ryan (thats his name) was really good. He looked super hot playing football. But as my luck would have it, after the game I go down to the field. And I find Ryan. And his girlfriend. 

I always thought he wasn't really the kind of guy to settle down. But I guess him and Amy have been going out for 8 months. Gross. 

So I walk down the field. I'm wearing a black wife beater pulled up to show my stomach and I have a letter painted on his stomach. I finally see Ryan and I come and give him a hug. I swear it lingered longer than average. Ryan got a lot hotter than I last remember. 

But then as I pull back I see a really tall thin girl wearing a white beater plled up to show her stomach because she has a letter on her stomach too. And she comes and plots a huge kiss on him. Not to be catty but she was kind of not as cute as me. But from what I heard from other people from her school, she's as easy as an easy bake oven.

We ended up watching Talledega Nights in the back of my car. With another girl too. I guess she's amy's BFF. She's one of those kind of ugly girls whos funny and awkward that you like to have around because they are entertaining and they make you look good.

So I'm lying in between ugly funny girl and Ryan. Even though Ryan has Amy, and they were kissing and doing weird couple-y stuff, he definitely had his hand on my back and it started going south. He explored low enough to discover my string thong. I hate panty lines, I consider thongs a necessity.

So despite Ryan's straying hand, I didn't get any hot football booty. Shame really. Oh well, theres always next friday.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crush of the Day

So you might know already that I have a thing for soccer player. I also have a thing for foreign guys. So here's an amazingly hot mixture of both.

Nikola Pokrivač

He's a 22-year old Croatian soccer player. And he's good! We all know that talent=sexy

Thursday, August 28, 2008


So anyways, I don't really have enough time to write an actual article thing. I want to go to bed, but first I need to shave my legs. 

Seriously girls, I would recommend ALWAYS shaving your legs. Just stick your foot in the sink and shave your legs. It takes like 2 minutes. But you just KNOW that if you don't shave, you're going to be flirting with a guy or doing something with a guy and they WILL notice.

But whatever. In case you read my previous article about last football game, you will be happy to know that I am going to be attending another football game. I don't know exactly what will happen yet, but I'll give you a hint.

We are playing a elite-ish preppy private school. I just happen to know a guy from that very school who will be playing that game. After we cream their team, he's going to stay behind and not go back to school on the bus like public school kids have to do.

We're going to go to Denny's (Hey! It's practically the only place open that late) and then we are going to *drumroll* watch a movie in the back of my car. And just so you know, my car is really long and I can put the chairs down to make a bed like thing. ;P

I'll keep you posted. Mwahaha...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dear Freshmen

Found this on facebook on the group : Rules for Freshmen. 

freshman ( P ) Pronunciation Key (frshmn)
n. A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.
A beginner; a novice.

Dear Freshman,

1. Sex doesn't make you cool & it won't make the upper-class boys think any higher of you. So don't go around bragging about it, no one cares & then you look like an easy freshman whore.. just leave all the slutty things you did in 8th grade back in middle school.

2. Don't brag about the number of seniors you know. The more you brag, the more we can tell you're a freshman.

3. You are a F-R-E-S-H-M-A-N.. not a "freshie" or "frosh" - shut up, you sound like a queer. Only upperclassmen can call you a freshy.

4. Don't walk around telling upperclassmen you're not all stupid freshman, we don't care, we're still calling you one.

5. Don't think you're smart because you filled up water bottles with vodka/ or coke bottles with Bacardi and snuck it onto your 8th grade field trip. We've all done it.. so don't be proud.

6. Don't post things like "FINALLY FRESH! LOLZZZ" on myspace. If anything, you suck big time.

7. DO NOT think that the upper-class girls are your best friends.. they will just laugh at you.

8. Stop thinking u are the shit cuz nobody even knows you

9. Don't think that you have privacy now. Once you're here.. Your business is everyone's business.

10. Don't brag about how smart you are and how half of your schedule is honors classes. Thats just more work u have to go home and do.

11. Don't try to sit at upperclassmen lunch tables. You will be picked up and thrown onto the floor.

12. don't tell your friends that you're busy after school and tell them u have to go meet your friends in the jr./sr. parking lot, we all know your brother/sisters just taking you home.

13. You'll NEVER be as hot as the '09, '10 & '11 girls. So don't try.

14. To all freshman guys - you can't get with the class of '09, '10 & '11 girls.

15. Don't try to say you're older than you really are. The way you walk, dress & talk just has freshman written all over you.

16. Your name is "the class of '12." HAHAHAHAHA!!.. enough said.

17. Don' t try to pull that shit "Well you were freshmen once..." STOP! We know that we were freshmen, but we aren't anymore so shut the fuck up.

18. The day you mess with our boyfriend/girlfriend, you'll never enjoy high school again. bitch. We will literally break your shit off.

19. To all the freshman guys, we know your balls haven't dropped yet. That's why you still sound like Mickey Mouse. Don't go around bragging how big your dick is or how huge your balls are. We all know you're lying. have you even hit puberty yet?

20. stop acting ghetto we know your not, we're all done with shit that you say you have but have not, keep your mouth shut and be respectful and do not act like your from the hood then maybe you will not get beat the fuck down.

21. Don't be offended by this. You know you totally deserve it and you know you're gonna die in high school if you don't listen to this shit. we all went through it, you're not special.

22. Don't act like you've done more than you have. It's lame, and eventually we're gonna find out about it. and you're not considered cool just cause you drink.

23. Don't brag about getting "wasted". we know you had about 2/3s of a beer before vomiting and calling your parents to come pick you up.

24. Just because you smoked weed once, doesn't mean you're a stoner, nor does it make you "h-core"... and btw your also not cool because YOU PRETTY MUCH DONT GET HIGH THE FIRST TIME. so if you brag about that "one time you smoked weed," you are completely retarded because that ONE TIME didn't do shit for you. :-D

25. Don't say h-core. its lame beyond all reasonable comprehension.

26. stop boasting about getting a ride from an older guy, they probably just felt sorry for you.

27. You're not going to prom, so stop acting like some upperclassman is going to invite you.

30. To all freshman girls: don't post slutty pics of you online, the only people who are gonna look are pervy 40-yr-old men. and put on some clothes that actually fit you, don't steal your kid sisters t-shirts. You've got nothing to flaunt yet, cover it up.

31. To freshmen guys: you are in the lowest possible position on the social ladder. there is nothing you can do about it, so stop hitting on older girls, they are NOT interested. Consider yourself lucky if you get a freshmen girl.

32. It's not a big deal if you feel a girl up. We've all done it, even the chicks.

33. Please do not friend the upperclassmen that you saw once in the hallways at school. If they wanted to friend you, they would've already.

34. Don't wear tight clothes that are impossible to play sports in. You look retarded when you try to kick a soccerball in short-shorts. And don't have your thong hanging out; that style went out in '01, and you look like a child prostitute.

35. Walk the fuck faster, we no longer have 15 minutes between every class, people have plaves to go, people to meet, stop blockin the fucking hallway.

36. For those freshmen who play games in gym with upperclassmen: nobody cares that you got into the "safe zone" or got the flag or whatever. We all just wish it'd be over. Why are freshmen so hyper? i dont think i was that hyper as a freshman.

37. Overuse of swear words and cursing off at random people you don't know doesn't make you cool. Neither do low-cut shirts...

38. Don't give us upperclass dirty looks cause it'll be the look that you will last see on this earth.. (;

39. If you talk back to us, we will run you over with our automobiles. WE HAVE AUTOMOBILES, SUCK IT.

40. Ummm...don't call the fucking police just because you're pissed that you didn't get invited to an upperclassmen only party...its a really shitty thing to do and everyone will hate you even more.
Oh, and If you're going to try to have a 'freshman only' party, get real, the whole school will be there in 10 minutes.

41. PLEASE stop thinking that the more you compliment us the more we'll like you, its just the opposite, stop sucking up!!!

42. Under NO circumstances is it ok to take an upperclassman's seat at a lunch table. seats and tables were established in freshman year, so why dont you go and establish ur own tables!

43. Don't bother dressing up all nice for concerts
a- No one gives a shit how anyone looks at school concerts, you are neither cool or attractive, and
b- No one's looking at you in the first place.

44. Stop taking pictures of you and seven girl friends baking cookies and pretending to be drunk on a Friday night and putting it in an album called "Parties." Eight under developed freshman girls throwing flour at each other does not consitute a "party," let alone a good time at all whatsoever. Attend your first kegger and then come back to me and give me a definition for a party.

45. Don't brag about getting caught out or grounded for drinking/smoking. It doesn't make you look cool when you actually get caught doing it and no one cares about your problems. They probly just think it's funny that u were dumb enough to get caught.

46. Just because you lift weights doesn't mean you're "hard"

47. Don't ever remind the teacher that she forgot to assign homework, esp. when you're in classes with sophomores and juniors, it's stupid and you will get your ass kicked.

48. Don't ever, EVER, make fun of upperclassmen for taking classes like Geometry 1 or Physics 1, we will kill you slowly and painfully...

49. Suck-ups are even worse than people who try to stand up for themselves. Don't even try.

50. If you know that an upperclassman (or anyone for that matter) is skipping class and the teacher asks if anyone has seen them, the answer is not "I saw them earlier today". It is "I don't know". If we find out you're a snitch, you're on your own.

51. Don't dress in a T-shirt and shorts in the winter and claim "you don't get cold," or "you can take it like a man." If you were a "man" you would do something smart and wear a jacket unless its considered "cool" to walk around in a near fetal position in order to avoid getting frostbite.

seriously kids today smiling/talking to me? a) your a freshman and b) i have never spoken to/seen you before in my life so shut the fuck up.

53. Freshman must give up there seat on the bus 2 a seinor. We've spent 4 years standing on a bus. You stand up, ya lil fuckers.


55. If your a freshman on a sports team, you set up what needs to set up, and you get the water and give it to the older kids before you take any.

56. If you're a freshmen getting hazed or complaining about your normal freshmen duties on a sports team UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to stand up for yourself in ANY way or the whole team will kick the shit out of you.

Monday, August 25, 2008


So of course I made a facebook page for my blog. 

And I'm super excited because there are SIX FANS!

This is pretty cool for me. So YAY!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Football game!

So of course yesterday was Friday, and Friday night at my school= football night. 

Football night isn't about the football. It's about the expierience:

3:15 Get out of school. Go to friends house. I'm gonna change the names in case someone actually knows me or whatever. So my friend Julia is the owner of the house. Her parents are really cool so we definitely start having a couple drinks. (Sadly, not rum and coke. Just bacardi and lemon.) 
So its me, Julia, Julia's boyfriend Conner, and Conner's friend Aaron. Julia and Conner have been dating forEVER so I get to hear ever single gushing thing she has to say about him.

I knew Aaron from before. We dated in like 6th grade, but that doesn't count much. BUt as Julia and Conner start cuddling and being all coupley, its just us 2 left alone. 

6:00 Julia's older sister drives us to the game. She's really cool but she has acid refluc and can't drink, so she drove. Yes, we are THAT responsible. Seriously, teenagers don't drink and drive as much as they want you to think.

So the 2 guys wanted to paint their stomachs and spell out GO (appreviation of our school). Having Aaron put cold paint on my stomach (thank god for all those crunches I did), definitly turned me on. Not in a gross way, just a I want to make out with you way.

8:00 We leave early from the game. Our team is really good and we were winning by a lot, and we got bored. We walk to a nearby mc donalds, sweaty and covered and paint. By this time I was flirting a lot with Aaron. I got an ice cream cone (the best ever!). I decided to share it with Aaron. Lets just say there was a lot of lip/tongue contact made during the ice cream.

9:00 We call Julia's sister and go back to Julia's house. Julia's parents are gone to a late party thing. A lot of alchohol was consumed, to put it lightly. With Julia and Connor basically passed out, Aaron and I started making out. As things started getting horizontal, I got really sleepy. But I guess Aaron was feeling really tired too because he just kind of rolls off me onto the floor and lies there looking at me. He says "lets do this again". And then I fell asleep. 

So this morning kind of sucked. But whatever it was fun. And even after I was sober, I STILL thought Aaron is cute, so we are gonna go out tomorrow. We're gonna go see a movie.


Pictures from yahoo

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The China gymnastics team age controversy

So in case you read the news etc., you've probably heard a lot about the age controversy about the Chinese women's gymnastics team.

There's He Kexin, who is winning all sorts of medals. How could that girl be 16? I would honestly say she looks 14, like an 8th grader. And in the picture of the three girls, Jiang Yuayuan is the one on the left. She's even missing a (baby?) tooth. 

On the other hand, these girls could just be really young looking. Gymnasts tend to look young anyways, I mean, Shawn Johnson from the USA is very young looking (Below).

You must also consider the fact that these girls are Chinese. Chinese people tend to be smaller, and usually look younger as teenagers. I've noticed in my school that some of the asian freshmen look like 12 year olds.

SO anyways, what do you think?

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Monday, August 18, 2008

crush of the day : Justin Spring

Watching the USA men's olympic gymnastics team, one guy def. caught my attention: Justin Spring. He kinda looks like Prince Harry, but super talented. HOT!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Post Secret of the day

Friday, August 15, 2008

how to do a hair poof

So the hair poof is actually a hair style that is super easy to do and looks good on pretty much everyone.

This is really good if you are going to keep your hair wavy or curly because it gives good shape. It's also great for straight hair or you can wear it up with a ribbon or something.

All you need to do is get your hair ready. Pull the front part of your hair, not past the side of your eyebrows. Use a bunch of bobby pins and pin the hair back. The height will come naturally. If you have really thick hair like me, bobby pin small sections. Don't be afraid of too many bobby pins, I usually use like 10.

Now smile and you're on your way!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So school started today. Wow. It's pretty weird to be back.

Speaking of backs, I know mine hurts. With all the books and binders I have to lug around, I'm pretty sure walking to class is a great workout. 

It's always hard to figure out what I should wear the first day of school. You want to look cute for the new guys and the old guys who miraculously got hot over the summer. You want to have all the girls jealous of you. You want to look semi-professional for your teachers. And on top of all of that you have to fit the dress code!

So my outfit was hopefully a pretty good mixture of that.

So anyways today I wore

Gold hoop earrings
Somewhat short strapless White dress
Sheer sandy-green wrap thing.
Gold sandals.

It was super cute because this summer, I am super tan so what better way to show it off?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

my grandma

my grandma died today

Monday, August 11, 2008

more olympics

In case you didn't watch yesterday, there was probably the most amazing race I've ever seen. 

Let's start from the beginning:

The french relay team were trash talking the Americans. Alain Bernard said  "We'll smash the Americans".

So Phelps starts out the race and gets a pretty big lead, but the two other americans are obviously not half dolphin, so the start to lose that lead. 

Then the anchor, Jason Lezak beasted the final 100 and beats the fastest Frenchmen. And the USA gets the gold!


So this website is pretty entertaining for some reason, they are entries to a photoshopping contest that mix two fruits/vegetables together.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Post Secret


So I recently read an article in Newsweek bashing Crocs©.
While I'm personally not a fan of the "look", I admit to owning a pair and I actually wore them today. But I didn't wear them for comfort. I wore them because they have more grip on the bottom so I wouldn't fall during the diving meet I was working at.

They are COMFORTABLE. Really. They are breathable and super lightweight. You can even eat them. 

CONs: At least to me, they look ridiculous. They are often super brightly colored and make people look like tourists. 

While I don't really like how the original crocs look, some of the newer kinds
 are pretty cute. For example :

The flip flops are pretty cute and are still super comfortable

And I think the high heels are pretty cute and they are super comfortable. 

Overall, if comfort is more important to you than style, crocs are for you. And sometimes they look just great. Just use caution. 

DON'T wear them with any kind of formal or semi-formal wear or to work. 

DON'T put those little flower things in them

DON'T wear them every day. 

DO wear them if you are going to get really dirty, like hiking in mud or taking care of pigs or something. Crocs are super easy to clean.

So now for YOUR opinion:

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

News and Other Happenings

Bernie Mac dies at 50(

MantyHose? (

How to Pick a Lock (wiki-How)

Friday, August 8, 2008

How to Kiss Well...

Considering my more recent experience, I feel the need to elaborate more on the fine technique that is kissing.

1. Always keep your teeth brushed and everything. You don't want a piece of snitzel grossing the other person out. It takes just a little gross thing to turn the other person off. Try bringing mints or something like that, that way if you eat before, you're breath is fine, and you can just offer one to them to keep everything minty fresh.

2. Find a good situation. Dropping a girl off at her doorstep is good. Or in a car before dropping her off. Have a flirty conversation right before hand. Look at his/her lips more and more. When the conversation lulls down make a move.

3. Smile a little bit and move your head forward. Don't close your eyes yet, make sure the other person is moving toward you too. 

Don't freak out! While rejection IS a possibility, the flirty conversation you just had shows that he/she is SOMEWHAT interested. Besides, the person isn't going to just push you away. They'll probably go along with it. 

4. So your lips will touch. Now get into a more comfortable position. If you're a girl, put your hand on his head and the other somewhere else. Guys, put a hand or two on her back. Avoid the stomach area, that makes girls feel fat. 

5. ADVANCED- If you will be using tongue, the hygiene thing is super super important. Put your tongue at the edge of the other persons lips. They will open their mouth. Move your tongue around a little. I was told to write your name with your tongue. Just don't like touch their teeth or their cheek. That would be weird. Also don't open and close your mouth a lot. This might cause suction. While it looks good in the movies, it doesn't really do much good.

6. Withdraw. While it is convenient if you are interrupted, you will most likely need to withdraw eventually. Pull your head back and say "I have to go" or something like that. Don't just withdraw and leave. I once had a guy do that. It was so awkward.

7. Don't be too promiscuous, but kissing is fun, and you don't have to love the guy/gal you're doing it with. If someone you don't like(within reason) makes a move on you, go for it! Just look at them as practice. Sometimes its the "just friends" people who are the best kissers because you are so comfortable with them.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ah the Olympics


As most of you sport-savy people already know, tomorrow (8/08/08) is the start of the olympics. Ironically, it's also the day of my best friends birthday. But don't worry, I WILL be tivo-ing it. 
So who will win? I'm pretty sure the USA. But you never know, other countries like China and Russia always crank out some winners. 

I'm excited for a couple things:

Michael Phelps- There's nothing quite as exciting as seeing someone you root for DOMINATE. And with the new Speedo suits, I can predict a whole lot of records being broken.

And also with soccer (football). While I'm cheering for Spain (obviously; they won the Euro 2008), I think Brazil, Germany, and Italy have formidable teams. 

Get excited everyone!
I know I am!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So for our summer homework. I have to read and annotate Fast Food Nation and then write a 3 page essay about it.

While it's a fairly interesting topic, I'd say this book is one of the hardest assignments I've done. Why? Because it is overly redundant. The whole gist of the book is "Fast Food is bad. The workers are treated poorly. The animals are treated poorly. They brainwash kids. The food will make you sick"

Seriously, thats the whole book. I don't really like reading this book, and something about it makes me want to go to McDonalds ASAP. 

However, I did find it amusing how when debating whether to get rid of the golden arches for McDonalds, one of the advisors told them that they had a "Freudian Impact" and symbolized "Mama McDonald's Breasts"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lunch with Chuck

So since this site will be closed in 10 minutes I'll type fast.

Today I went to Apple-bees for an informal lunch date with an old friend. He is very cute in a tall awkward way, but he was very boring. I had to talk the entire time, and I DID give him opportunities to talk. I would ask him questions and he would just answer with the blandest answer ever. He's the kind of guy that seemed really afraid to offend me, and while it's probably a good idea not to get into heated debates on the first date, it was annoying. Like stop agreeing with me.

Afterwords, I went to his house to watch Epic Movie. It's a hilarious movie that I've seen a couple times, but watching it with him somehow made it super awkward. Like watching a movie with your parents. 

He asked me if I wanted to go up to his room. I was like really? We didn't click at all. I said I had to get home soon. I guess he really likes me, one of his good guy friends told me that. Ew. It's really awkward. I don't really know what to do about that.


Wow, I haven't posted in a long time. But I have to leave soon for lunch with a friend (A very cute friend who I haven't seen in years). I'll leave you with this gem:

Fernando Torres= hottest man alive.
IN case you didn't watch the Euro 2008 cup, Fernando Torres was a really good player from Spain. I definitely rooted for them from the beginning (not just because of Torres, he's just a perk). And Spain won! 

My roadtrip a couple of days ago was amazing. We sat in the car as we drove through the boonies for 3 hours. I worked on my summer reading because 2 of the people in the car were asleep.

Once we got there, it was amazing because my friend lives in the middle of nowhere so he has a huge huge house and lots of land. They even had horses that we could ride! It was so much fun.

During the thing we watched a movie and I definitly cuddled with the host, I mean it's only polite to. Haha. We were sitting on the same couch and he puts his arm around me, and then starts kissing my n
eck and stuff. Then we "went to go get pizza". Pretty much we ended up calling for delivery and making out in his BMW in the driveway until the delivery came. 

But the host is not the kind of guy who I would ever date. He's super rich and kind of snotty, and while he treats me really well, he's rude to waiters and my mum taught me that that is a warning sign.

But don't fret, on the way back I definitely made out with one of the guys who I actually like. He may not be as rich or whatever, but he's definitely sweet and nice to everyone. Plus his red pick up truck is surprisingly roomy. Haha.

Friday, August 1, 2008


So this is a super last minute post but I feel that I need to get everyone psyched for this upcoming adventure I'm about to embark on.

I'm a junior counselor at a summer camp, and since all the junior counselors get really close, we are all meeting up and having a reunion. That basically 3 hour drive to go party. And I'm gonna be crammed in a car with 6 other people including some very tempting guys.

Let's just say the next couple hours are going to be very interesting. A car full of hot guys really does get your mind off of things ;)

To be continued.....