Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day light Savings Time

So all of you non-Indiana may know that Indiana turned into a daylight savings time state a year or so ago. So even though its almost ten, I'm not even close to being tired.! GAh!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crush of the Day: Keanu Reeves

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I've always thought Keanu Reeves is really hot. I don't know what it is about dark eyes and dark hair that I have a special little attraction for, but he is a hot man! 

I don't know why, but I can't seem to upload any pictures of him on here, but go ahead a google him. I mean, it's not like you won't be able to find any pictures of him.

Keanu is best known for his role in the Matrix, which is a hugely popular film. He's from Lebanon (I did not know that). He was a really good ice hockey player, but an even better actor. His movie The Lake House tanked, but I still think he's fine as hell.

Romantic Life:
So while I was looking at wikipedia, I stumbled upon Keanu Reeves' really sad personal life. He dated a woman named Jennifer Syme. She gave birth to a still born daughter named Ava. Shortly after, she was killed in a car accident. She had been drinking and maybe did drugs, and she crashed her car into some parked cars and was ejected from her vehicle. Her mother tried to sue Marilyn Manson for wrongful death, because Jennifer Syme died after leaving his party. Wow.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cya in 2009!

As I get ready for a swanky New Years Eve party (think beer, guys in sweatpants, and making out long after midnight), I just want to say bye to 2008 and hello to 2009.

I hope everyone makes rational choices: don't get in trouble or get hurt! My next post will happen next year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Workout Move of the Week: Ab Twist

Since I know we all will be resolving to get healthier, I thought I'd include this really helpful ab exercise. It's pretty intense, but you can feel it working as you do it. 

1. Grab a 5-10 pound something. It can be a medicine ball, it can be a soup can, it can be your cat, etc. Take a seat on the ground.

2. Get in a position to do a sit-up while lying on the ground. Grab the weight and set it down next to your hip while keeping your feet on the ground. You should be in a sit-up and rotate back and forth. Your back might crack and it will kinda stretch your sides, but it will help you get a great Spring Break body.

3. Remember to eat healthy. Exercise is great, but even if you have super sexy abs, if they are covered by a cushy little layer of fat, they will be invisible. 

I'd recommend doing forty of these every other day, then trying to increase the amount. 

Remember: Don't go too fast. Stay in control and the exercise should hurt. Bad. But as they say, no pain no gain.

Here's some motivation:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Getting the New Years Kiss

So most of us, including me, have been left sitting kissless on New Years Eve. It's not the worst thing in the world (Remember, love is not equal to happiness), but its a fun thing to grab a stranger and give a friendly New Years kiss to.

1. Who are you celebrating with? Make sure there are plenty of singles with you. Couples will probably kiss each other, duh! But don't be with a huge crowd, because it's hard to flirt, an people will probably act not happy if you randomly grab them and kiss them, especially if you're a guy and you try to kiss a girl.

2. Look amazing. Wear makeup and make your hair nice if you're a girl. If you're a guy, wear something respectable. I don't think guys realize how sexy a button up shirt is. And smile. This is the ultimate test of making a good first impression.

3. Randomly grabbing a stranger at 11:59 is not a great idea. Figure out who you want to kiss by 11:30 but always have a backup. Last year I was flirting heavily with a guy, but then with 5 minutes till midnight, his girlfriend came. I ended up kissing my best gay friend, because he couldn't find anyone there either. 

4. Here's my tip: If its a small enough group, watch the ball drop on the TV. Get a drink or something and come back when everyone's sitting down, and sit down next to whoever you're interest is on the couch. That way when the ball drops, its super easy to go in for the kiss.

Friday, November 28, 2008


So I just saw twilight the movie.

I've read the first 3 books (I'm working on the 4th). I thought the movie was good overall. I'm not one of those INSANE 14 year olds who love the books more then life. I mean, lets be honest, its not exactly a hard read. But the guys were hot in it.

Of course the guy who played Edward was very very attractive, but honestly, I didn't really think he fit the part very well. I expected someone who looked like Adonis with a cut jaw and super muscular. The two Cullen brothers were also very cute too. I like football-ey looking guys, and the suprised looking one was still pretty cute. Even the Carlisle, the Cullen dad, was super hot. I'd say all of the guys were hot, and I even developed a girl crush on some of the girls.

I heard that the box office results were great, and it broke a record of biggest opening weekend for a female director. Go girls! Honestly though, there are like NO women directors.

So go change you desktop background to Edward Cullen and get ready for the sequel.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boyfriends, Guy Friends, FWB

A thing I noticed a couple days ago is how complicated a relationship I have with guys.

They always fit into different categories, and its always so different  for each one. I'll talk about each example:

1. Henry- My best gay friend. It's weird with gay guys: They have the mystique of guys, but you don't have to worry about them suddenly liking you and ruining the friendship. I find that I am overly sexual with Henry and pretend to flirt with him because there is NO ROMANTIC possibilities. 

2. Sam- We've known each other for a long long time. We both saw each other be super ugly preteens, and for some magical reason, we've never hooked up or even crushed about the other. We are neighbors, and we can talk about our own crushes. One of my worst fears is that one day either Sam or I will fall in love with the other, and ruin this friendship. It's pretty annoying because everyone always says we should date.

3. Thomas- The puppy dog. We used to be really good friends and joked around a lot. Now he's made it pretty obvious that he likes me. He follows me and stares at me when he talks, even if it's a  big group. I am sad that our friendship is pretty much ruined. I'm trying to set him up with other girls to make it clear that I'm not interested but he doesn't get it. Heres a conversation over text that happened yesterday:
me-" I think you and Angela should date. It would be sooooo cute!"
Thomas- "I'm not sure. I already like someone else"
The problem is he's really shy and doesn't talk to anyone else but me so I feel like I have to hang out with him out of ethics. He's a good friend though because he's super dependable (Lust makes you do that). I called him to pick me up when I was in a bad situation, and he came really quickly.

I'll do more later. I'm a little tired right now.